

Is College Worth It?

March 19, 2021

Rather than making you dig through this entire article to get a straight answer, I’m going to give it to you upfront: College is worth it if it’s worth it to you. It’s a great place to learn new skills, make friends, and discover your passion, but it’s no secret that it’s a big financial investment and requires a lot of time and effort. So how do you know if it’s worth it to you? Let’s dive in. 

What do you want to do?

Perhaps the most critical question you can ask is what do you want to do for a career. A reality of this world is that everyone must find a means of support, and careers are typically the most reliable in that regard. A steady, life-long career almost always requires a higher education. It’s common knowledge that higher-paying jobs require a degree, but if you’re content with finding a stable job that provides for your needs then you have your answer. 

If you want a career but don’t know what to pick, think about your education so far. Was there a specific area of study that you excelled at or enjoyed? What did you like about it? Could you see yourself learning more about it? Research the careers that are strong in that field. For example, a person who excels at math could find his/herself working as an accountant, statistician, auditor, etc. Someone who excelled at English could go into editing, marketing, public relations, human resources, journalism, etc. 

If you can’t narrow it down from there, consider taking a personality test. Professional sites will have sections about which fields your personality typically gravitate towards. We recommend this one

Mind the Cost

College is costly in more ways than one. It will cost you time and effort, but, like most noble ventures, it will be well worth it in the end. 

Perhaps the #1 thing people worry about when it comes to a college is finances. The good news is that you can get student loans, qualify for grants, win scholarships, and even work on campus. Most people recoil at the mention of student debt, but the commitment to quality education is more investment than indenture. Debt isn’t super fun, but like we said, noble ventures, noble gains.  

At SAGU, we understand that college is a big investment. That’s why we are always striving to provide more ways to make our education more affordable and accessible, including scholarships and grants

Here’s the Rub

Everyone wants to find both fulfillment and financial stability in a career. Unfortunately, those two don’t always coincide. As we said before, accumulating student debt is more investment than indenture, but every worthwhile investment must be just that: worthwhile. 

Passion about a specific subject is great, but you need to make sure that a related career will support you and allow you to pay off any student loans. The ends must justify the means. 

If you happen to be looking for a means, we just happen to know a place that specializes in offering very useful degrees.

“The point of a college degree is to be qualified for a job that you wouldn’t have been qualified for otherwise.”

Seek Wise Counsel 

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” This verse doesn’t mean that you will always live in prosperity, but it does mean that God always has your best interests in mind. Ask Him what His will is. He wants to help. 

God sometimes chooses to speak through the people in your life. Talk to your parents, teachers, friends, pastors, counselors, etc, about what you’re thinking. No person can tell you what to do, but you would be surprised how things clear up when you talk to people who care about you, and those who really know you will probably already have a path they can see you taking. This author recently learned her parents are 2 for 3 so far on predicting their kids’ career choices.

A Last Bit of Wisdom

Take your future seriously. What you do with your life matters because you matter. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are meant to do something important with your life. That may not always require a degree, but it does require your time and effort.

Be excited about what you’re going to do even if you don’t yet know what that is. You don’t have to have all the answers right away. Life is a journey and part of the fun is figuring it out along the way. He has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. 

If you’re looking for a reputable university that will do more than prepare you for the next step in your life, we just happen to know of one (it’s not plugging if it’s your own blog). Check it out!


About the Author

Stephanie Van Wyk
Stephanie Van Wyk

Stephanie received her bachelor’s degree in English from Southwestern Assemblies of God University in 2021. She is passionate about the world of storytelling, artistry in all mediums, and is incapable of resisting any dog over 50 pounds.