

Remembering Carl Alexander, Nelson Foundation President

It is with sadness that Nelson University announces the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Carl Alexander, founder of the Nelson Foundation and its president since its inception in 1986. Though never technically employed by the university, Carl’s impact rivals that of any president, faculty member, or donor. In these past 39 years Carl volunteered thousands of hours, growing the Foundation to the point it is the university’s largest source of annual support.

During that span of time Carl made countless trips to Waxahachie from Houston and never sought a single reimbursement. His love for the school is even more remarkable given the fact he never attended here. His wife, Bonnie, is the Nelson alum and she has stood strongly behind him and supported his efforts on behalf of her alma mater for all these years, including scores of nights alone in Houston while Carl was conducting Foundation business on the campus.

Carl demonstrated amazing faith these last 18 months during a most difficult physical struggle. Many of us have earnestly prayed for his healing, but in the early morning hours of February 19 our brother entered his eternal reward and, in an instant, received his ultimate healing as he was received into the arms of the Savior he so faithfully served. Bonnie has wonderfully cared for her dear, Carl, throughout this difficult season. Please continue to pray for her strength and comfort in her time of loss. 

It was Carl’s wish that there would not be a formal funeral or memorial service at the time of his death; however, a special tribute service is scheduled to occur on the campus of Nelson University in the Hagee Center on Thursday, May 1 at 1:00 PM. This will be a special time of allowing family, friends, and the Nelson family to join together in fondly remembering his wonderful impact on our lives and his tireless service on behalf of the university. 

For those desiring to honor Carl in a tangible way, the family encourages consideration of a gift to the Carl and Bonnie Alexander Academic Endowment Fund within the Nelson University Foundation.

· To give online visit and specify the Alexander Academic Fund in the “Comments” box

· To pay by check make payable to Nelson University (designated to Alexander Academic Fund) and mail to Nelson University, Attention: Office of University Advancement, 1200 Sycamore Street, Waxahachie, TX 75165· Or call the Advancement Office at 972.825.4639